Earthquake in Mexico, Fires in California, Strange Hurricane Maria, and My Prophetic Novel

In this satirical novel by L.E. Vega, Prasea, one of the Treading Islands, suddenly earns the title of The Entitlement Paradise. Elbita Cerrillos is filled with towering frustration upon missing the plane to the United States mainland on Entitlement Day, commonly referred to as E.D., and one of the most significant days in the history of the United States. On E.D., all airports in and outside the U.S. are jammed. Once the word gets out that Prasea is the "Island of Entitlement", where entitlement works so well, there is only one politically correct destination left to fly to: Prasea. Along with the newcomers from the contiguous United States, who eventually wondered if they got what they bargained for on Entitlement Day, Elbita learns to fasten herself like a pearl in its oyster. Elbita, a native of La Perla, along with many Americans, survives the lessons of adapting both to the unknown, and to the neglect indicative of living in a politically lost world. La Perla's hamlet surfaces as the main protagonist in the novel, the center from which Praseans, gypsy dwellers, American novitiates from all walks of life, gargoyles nestled in La Perla's catacombs, and prehistoric creatures, all learn to somehow come together, making not the start they had in mind, granted one heck of an earnest takeoff.

Copyright © 2017 L.E. Vega

In my compilations as an author, I have discussed that there are many premeditated distractions that keep Mexicans and Puerto Ricans divided, only to keep both groups to find out common ancient history. Below is a quote from my novel "Ms. Quixote Goes Country - Raised on the Marxist Frontier".

These [records], he [Edgar Cayce] said, were carefully buried in a secret chamber somewhere near to the Great Sphinx, which stands guard like a sentinel over the Pyramids of Giza. A second set of these records was taken, he said, by other survivors of the disaster to be buried somewhere in the Yucatan area of Mexico.He also said that a third set of records still resides in the heart of Atlantis itself. Edgar Cayce Source: [Edgar Evans Cayce “Edgar Cayce on Atlantis”]
Such information being said, it is possible, I believe, that since the Earth is constantly shifting, Atlantis may have shifted and may now lie somewhere miles underneath the porous layers that hold the abandoned catacombs of Prasea, or in the same sector of the planet.

"Ms. Quixote Goes Country" is my first novel, a lengthy project which I am proud of. While many authors employ a ghost writer, I ain't no ghost!

Researchers have actually found that Mayans were in Puerto Rico, and there is much more untapped history that both Mexico and Puerto Rico share, though this information is kept from us by shadow clans in Washington to keep the planet in obscurity.

One of the most powerful vortexes lies in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, and it is not a coincidence that author Freddie Prinze, Sr. was so harrassed because no doubt his mom, a native of Cabo Rojo, directly or indirectly passed on powerful wisdom to her son.

There are, in fact, reports that there were earthquake drills in the morning before the earthquake event took place in Mexico. Around the world, there have been earthquake drills a few days prior to earthquake events in other countries as well.

Again and again, in my writing, I have emphasized that Puerto Rico is a microcosm of what is to come in the U.S.A. mainland, and people need to do more research and find out for themselves.

Once I completed "Entitlement Day: La Perla, America's Lost World", I wrote a message on Facebook to both Donald Trump and to Carmen Yulín, Mayor of San Juan, respectfully asking that La Perla Residents should not be displaced, and that La Perla should be "refurbished", not like the boring development of a high rise resort that the Donald Trump business designed, but like some of the gypsy villages in Spain, retaining its local flavor, and which do very well as tourist destinations. 

Neither Trump, nor Yulín had the decency to reply to my message, and now, it appears that the entire island of Puerto Rico will become a big hotel resort, and not a home for the people of Puerto Rico.

With due respect, neither Trump, nor Yulín seemed to care that people in Puerto Rico were being displaced, because if they had, there would not be a displacement evacuation round taking place in the island now. And, by the way, neither Trump, nor Yulín are to blame for what has happened in Puerto Rico. Trump did not create Puerto Rico's dependency, so to blame Trump is really avoiding the real issues that can turn P.R. in the prosperous direction. Instead, people claim more dependency, instead of lashing a hurricane of "enough dependency, man!"

The present evacuation round taking place in Puerto Rico during 2017 is not a new issue, but one that has affected many Puerto Ricans, myself included, who as a result of the Washington almost waterboarding political system put in place in Puerto Rico, with a strong Ley Mordaza (Gag Law) shadow force, have had to leave Puerto Rico, and even the U.S. mainland for a long time. The ongoing evacuation rounds may go undetected, but they are a real issue that persists over time.

After Hurricane María's surreal devastaltion, I realized how prophetic my novel "Entitlement Day" is, and that my prophecy continues to unravel, as Americans of all races are forced to live in their cars due to many events, and flee elsewhere, leading to "Entitlement Day". It was not in any way written as a prophetic piece, though.

In "Entitlement Day", a story takes place in the island of Prasea, a symbol for Puerto Rico. I outline ideas to achieve self-sufficiency. With due respect, if Puerto Ricans, and Americans were not so brainwashed, they would listen to true leaders like me. Unfortunately, a cartel group in Washington is terrified of powerful true leaders like me. Truth is power, and therefore, I am powerful.

The Gag Law is a divisive shadow in the U.S.A. and people are unfortunately manipulated by this shadow to hurt others. The same shadow cartel explains a lot of events around the world as well.

One question to pose: How come the government, with due respect, is not talking about the earthquake activity in Puerto Rico?

... Puerto Rico has had: (M1.5 or greater). 7 earthquakes in the past 24 hours; 32 earthquakes in the past 7 days; 98 earthquakes in the past 30 days; 1,609 earthquakes in the past 365 days

Recent earthquakes

A book by Pema Chodron, a Buddhist Nun, entitled "When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times", has been one of those treasures that has guided me through many storms. Nobody guides Puerto Ricans, so we must find ways to find that guiding torch along the way ... In my lifetime, many of the storms that I have risen above have been of an "evacuation rounds" nature, because, let's be honest, that is the life of a typical Puerto Rican.

An evacuation round, we must understand, is synonymous with a Grito de Lares. In many ways, it is a variation of a Grito de Lares. Some nasty individuals in Washington once tried the "Grito", and have premeditated the "Grito" wrapped in a different package. Puerto Ricans on a daily basis must overcome a "Grito".

When things fall apart, though, it is an opportunity to start new ventures, and to renew yourself spiritually, and that is exactly my vehicle to make my life one hundred times better. I trust that I am protected, and personally, that Jesus protects me. 

So, when things fall apart in Puerto Rico, it is from experience, saddening, and yet it is our compass telling us that we must try a better Puerto Rico, that we must install a well in our house, that we must try alternative solar energy resources, it is a calling to plant a tomato, or plantain garden, it is when the bell tolls that we must install a new life for ourselves in Puerto Rico and a new life for Puerto Rico. As Leonard Bernstein's "West Side Story" put it, "Somehow, Someday, Somewhere".

If you like this blog, share it. In my previous blog "Puerto Rico  Brainwashed" (its link is below this blog), I repeat what I have stated many times before, that there is a greedy bunch trying to turn Puerto Rico into a "resort state". Now, there are tons of reports online referring to the "resort state" matter, which shows that my blog content was just copied.

Don't you know how to read the identified "copyright" in this blog? Man, don't be so bloody tacky, write about your own ideas, and leave mine alone! 

Be respectful. Regardless of your political views or ethnicity, we are all in this same "evacuation round" mystery, so let's stick together, and keep from yielding to shadowy division tactics.

Other blogs by L.E. Vega
